Ready for a Clean Record? Find Out if Expungement is an Option for You

Ready for a Clean Record? Find Out if Expungement is an Option for You

Ready for a Clean Record? Find Out if Expungement is an Option for YouHaving a criminal record can make life difficult. From failing background checks necessary for work, to not being eligible for certain professional licenses – not to mention the issues that can arise when trying to find a place to live – a criminal record can make it difficult to simply get through life. The good news is that in some cases, your criminal record may be erasable. Read on to learn more and then reach out to Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell at 909-920-0908 to speak with a criminal law attorney experienced in expungement.

Not every crime is eligible for expungement

At Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell we want to help those who are eligible but we don’t want to give false hope to those who aren’t eligible. One of the biggest qualifications is not having been to prison. If your conviction involved only probation, community service, or time in a county jail, then you may be eligible for expungement. If you served time in prison then you are likely not eligible.

Whether the crime was charged as a felony or a misdemeanor has no bearing but there are some crimes that can never be expunged. For example, a sex crime against a minor can never be expunged.

Find out if your case is eligible for expungement

The easiest way to find out if your case in particular is eligible for expungement is to contact Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell at 909-920-0908 for a free consultation. We can walk you through the other requirements. For example, you must have successfully completed each condition of your probation, which includes fines or restitution you were required to pay. You must also have not been convicted of any new crimes and cannot have violated your probation.

Expungement for juvenile records is a different process

In most cases, juvenile crime records don’t require working with an attorney. These are expunged automatically after the person in question has finished their sentence and when they come of age. Once again, there is a condition though: The minor in question must have stayed out of trouble in the years after their conviction.

You may be able to have your arrest record sealed and destroyed

Legally, a potential employer is only allowed to consider convictions when they are making decisions about who to hire. However, just because they’re not supposed to consider arrest records doesn’t mean they don’t take them into consideration. Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell may be able to help you have any arrest records sealed and destroyed, as long as they didn’t result in a conviction or a plea deal.

Today is the day to find out what your options are

Once you’ve served your time, we don’t believe you should have to continue to pay for crimes you committed. As a result, we are prepared to help you work toward expungement. To learn more about the options, the process, and whether or not you qualify, contact Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell at 909-920-0908. We’ll start with a free case evaluation to let you know your specific options.