Why you Shouldn’t use a Public Defender

Why you Shouldn’t use a Public Defender

Why you Shouldn’t use a Public Defender Have you been arrested recently? Then you definitely need to get a lawyer ASAP. Having a lawyer on your side can equal tremendous benefits right away. For example, an excellent lawyer can negotiate to decrease your bail amount or eliminate the need to pay completely. It’s also important that you procure a lawyer before you are arraigned so he or she can advise you on which plea you should enter. He or she can also let you know what you can expect in terms of sentencing minimums and maximums so you can be prepared in case you are convicted of the crime in question.

According to the Constitution, everyone in the US who has been charged with a crime is entitled to legal representation. A lawyer will be appointed for you by the court in which your case is brought if you don’t hire a private one. This court-appointed lawyer is called a public defender.

Pros of using a public defender

The benefits of using a public defender are obvious—the main one being that you don’t have to pay to have legal representation. You can exercise your legal right to an attorney without dipping into your savings or going into debt to defend yourself. All public defenders have attended and graduated from law school, and have passed the same examinations as private attorneys. So they are fully qualified to defend you.

Cons of using a public defender

One drawback of going with the public defender is that he or she usually has an enormous case load and even with the best intentions to serve you well, there simple won’t be enough time to devote lots of personalized attention to each case. Public defenders are paid by the government, not by clients, so they don’t have a real financial incentive to offer provide superb legal service.

Pros of using a private attorney

But if you decide to go with a private attorney, such as Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell, you’ll be able to rest assured that he will devote copious amounts of energy and time into defending you in the most effective way possible. He also treats every single one of his clients with the utmost respect and courtesy, cultivating a sense of mutual trust as he defends your case.

You’ll get the legal advice and representation you need, and possibly avoid having a felony or misdemeanor charge added to your permanent record. Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell can also negotiate with the prosecution and the judge to lower the required amount of prison time and fines—giving you more freedom and financial security. Now that’s just priceless!

Cons of using a private attorney

One of the potential cons of going with Attorney Howell is that he will require payment for his services. After all, he has to make a living! But the pros of going with Attorney Howell greatly outweigh the cons, especially since he will likely save you thousands of dollars in fines.

Contact info

Still on the fence, or are you ready to get started with Attorney Howell? Either way, schedule a free case evaluation with Attorney Howell today by calling 909-920-0908 or emailing torrence@torrencelhowelllaw.com.