The Potential Consequences for a Forgery Conviction Are Serious: Talk to an Attorney

The Potential Consequences for a Forgery Conviction Are Serious: Talk to an Attorney

Set of autographs on paperIf you’ve been accused of forgery, it may seem as though the evidence against you is significant. It may seem as though the best option is to simply plead guilty. The truth is that no matter how bad the situation seems, there is always hope. Working with a criminal defense attorney could result in significantly reduced penalties or no conviction at all. Give yourself a chance by calling Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell at 909-920-0908 for a free consultation.

What exactly is forgery?

According to state law, forgery refers to knowingly signing another person’s signature or using their handwriting with the intent to commit fraud. Additionally, falsifying a document that relates to property or money, with the intent to commit fraud, can also legally be considered forgery.

For example, stealing checks and forging a signature, adding a page to someone else’s will, or writing out a fake medical prescription are all examples of forgery. Note that the intend to commit fraud is necessary for the prosecution to have a case. It’s not a crime to fake a signature unless you have the intent to defraud someone with it.

This is why you can sign for your friend’s credit card if they say you can, but if you stole a credit card and signed for it, it would be a crime. In some cases, as in that example, the difference is cut and dry. In other instances, the nuances can be confusing. This is why you need an experienced attorney to help you fight forgery charges.

You could be facing serious consequences

The prosecution has some discretion to charge forgery as either a misdemeanor or felony. The choice they may is typically based on the seriousness of the crime and your criminal history. If you’re convicted of a misdemeanor, then you could be look at up to a year in jail and fines of as much as $1,000. On the other hand, a felony conviction can come with up to three years in state prison and fines of up to $10,000.

You do have defense options

When you work with Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell, we can come up with the best defense strategy for your individual case. For example, it may involve working with handwriting experts or other expert witnesses who can show that you didn’t forget the documents in question. In the event that you did forget the document, then we can show that you didn’t’ do so with the intent to commit fraud. If we can prove that you didn’t have intent, then the prosecution can’t prove forgery.

In the event that there is evidence that you both forged the document and that you did so with the intent to defraud someone, then we may work to find the best possible plea deal with the prosecution. We have years of experience as negotiators and you can count on us to work diligently toward the best possible outcome for you. Call us at 909-920-0908 today for a free legal consultation.