Are You Nervous About Being Questioned by the Police? Consider These Options to Protect Yourself

Are You Nervous About Being Questioned by the Police? Consider These Options to Protect Yourself

Policeman questioning womanThere are many reasons a person may end up being asked to speak to the police. It may seem to some that if a person does not want to talk to the police, or insists on having a criminal defense attorney present, then they are guilty. This is false. At Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell recommend that even someone with nothing at stake should talk to an attorney before talking to the police. Keep reading to find out more. Then contact us at 909-920-0908 for a free legal consultation.

Your Case is Never as Simple as it Seems

One of the biggest mistakes a person makes is to assume that they should talk to the police because their case is very clear. They may have been out to dinner with a group of friends at the time the crime was committed. It may seem simple enough to tell the police where they were and who they were with to clear their name.

However, what happens when further evidence shows that the crime was actually committed before or after the time with your friends? What if you have admitted to drinking with your friends and the police then say that you may have committed the crime and have no memory of it? This may seem farfetched but there are literally thousands of innocent people serving time in prison right now.

  1. Delay the Interview Until Your Attorney Can Be Present
  2. If you feel trapped to give an immediate answer, take a breath and stay silent. The police make people nervous – that is a fact. When a person is anxious, they may give inaccurate answers. They may say more or less than they mean to. The best way to prevent this from happening is to simply delay the interview.

    While we do recommend that you wait until your attorney can be present, you can also just say, “This is a bad time,” and ask them to come back or call another time. If they continue to pressure you, insist that you will not speak to them at that time. You are never obligated to talk to the police beyond giving them basic information about your name, etc. – even if you are under arrest.

  3. Insist That the Interview is Recorded
  4. If you do decide to speak to the police but are concerned that they may inevitably take your words out of context, insist that they record it. You can also ask for a written summary to sign that indicates what you said. This significantly reduces the chances that your words can then be taken out of context.

If you have any questions about how, when, or why to talk to the police, we strongly recommend contacting Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell at 909-920-0908 now for a free legal consultation.